Monday, September 21, 2015

Petition for removal of Williamson County Confederate Statue

On Monday, September 21st, 2015 the Statesman published an article about the petition in Williamson County for the removal the of the Confederate statue that sits in front of the historical court house.
According to the article, a Georgetown church congregation has a petition for the Confederate statue to be removed from the property of the courthouse and be put the International Order of Odd Fellows  (IOOF) Cemetery, which is located behind the university in Georgetown. The IOOF, also has some confederate solders buried on the grounds, which some residents think it'll be more historical with the statue being re-located there. The church feels that the statue being in the middle of town reminds people too frequently of the "ugly" history behind slavery.
Rev. Lou Sneed state in the article that "The point is not to erase history,"..."The point is to learn from history."
The petition hopes for 1,000 signatures from residences in Williamson County, but if they don't get high enough to their 1,000 signature goal they will drop the issue.
I think this article is worth the read because people need to be more aware that the there are people that still feel hurt about the war, and what the confederate army stood for.
However, removing a historical statue from a historical building isn't going to change the opinions of the residences in Williamson County. Just removing it and sticking some where else isn't going to make what ever issues they have with the history of slavery go away. It's still going to be in a public spot where people will be able to see it. Choosing to ignore, or forget the history behind the statue isn't going to make people feel any better or less about their personal views.