Monday, October 19, 2015

Home On The Range

On Friday, October 9th, The San Antonio Express News published an article titled "Let statewide elected officials live outside Austin" which is about Proposition 3.
Proposition 3 is one of the seven ballots for the upcoming Constitutional Amendment Election. Proposition 3 is a constitutional amendment that will repeal statewide elected officials from having to live in Austin. With Proposition 3 the statewide officials can live any where in Texas.
In this article the author thinks its unfair that statewide officials are forced to live here in. With the amount of technology we have these days, it is possible people to communicate and work from any where in the world. The author of the article, wants for Proposition 3 to win, and doesn't really see why it wouldn't be a good idea.
The article also explains some speculation that other people think about this proposition. One of the main concerns is that if statewide officials are "set free" that it will lead to corruption with local prosecutors if corruption cases come about. But according to the author, residency shouldn't really change the big picture of not living in Austin. Apparently they travel back and forth from their home towns to Austin all of the time.
The author is trying to persuade for us to stand up for change and vote YES on Proposition 3.

In my personal opinion, I don't really see why living here or not should be that big of an affect to the community. But, why change something that doesn't need to be fixed? Austin is the capitol of Texas, this is where big government things happen that affect the residents of Texas and elected officials. Why wouldn't elected officials want to live where they have to come to work when things go sour, ore even when everything is fine?
The idea of Proposition 3 is like being able to work from home, without moving to a different city. Yes the power of the internet gives us unlimited options for work, but it doesn't really seem realistic, especially when you have an important government title. They don't let the president live and work outside of the White House. So Proposition 3 sounds very nice (who doesn't want to live and work form their home?), but in reality it just doesn't seem reasonable.

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